So I started my job three weeks ago as a software engineer. Naturally, you'd think I need a working computer to do my work right? That's what I thought too. So it's been three weeks and I still don't have a properly set up computer yet. I've been pair programming with this other guy who started a month before me.
Pair programming's all good but no one wants to do it all the time with a stubborn guy who doesn't want to ask for help or look it up on the internet.
As a programming, the most basic thing you should learn is how to Google it!
If you don't know, GOOGLE IT!
But this guy won't. What's the point of making it work if you don't understand what the method takes as parameter and the values it return? Just Google and do some research before trying random things. It's common sense. Don't you want to learn why it works rather than just making it work... What if you run into the same problem again next time? Shot gun ftw!!!
So it's been getting frustrating to work with him. At first it was easy to tolerate because I had no idea what I was doing and was glad to have someone show me the ropes. But actually, he has no idea what he's doing either. Whenever I ask him a question, the most likely answer is "i dont know".
I think it'll make me feel better if he said "I'm not sure, but we can look it up" than a flat out "i dont know"
So today my aunt called me and wanted to see how I'm doing at my work. And its not going so well. I'm sick of working with stubborn unproductive people. I don't understand why it is ok for people to be unproductive at work? I don't get it. You're getting paid, aren't you here at work because you want to contribute and get something done??! I am stunning to see people walk into other's office and chat for an hour about traffic, about getting drunk on the plane, about everything unrelated to what we're currently working on.
I'm too uptight. I know, but I feel like I'm wasting my time. If it wasn't because I get paid and I need money, I would rather do something else that I actually enjoy.
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